Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What is College Really Good For? (Blog Post 3-Revised)

by Nakesha S. Willis

            College is an educational institution or establishment that provides higher education or specialized professional or vocational training for students. College is an awesome investment for reasons such as networking/involvement, amazing experiences, and gaining knowledge to obtain a degree in the field of your choice.  
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             Networking is considered meeting new people who could one day be your support system and getting involved while in school to gain opportunities that fulfill your goals. Involvement on your college campus can open up many opportunities in the community, surrounding areas, and even other positions on campus. Being a member of Freshman Forum here at Jacksonville State University, I have met over 70 new people and those people are becoming some of my closest friends. That organization, for example, can help me become more involved with Senate, Go!Leaders, and Ambassadors. Members of those organizations display teamwork, school spirit, and professionalism in everything they do to accomplish many different tasks. That’s networking! Louis Maynard states in Live and Learn: Why We Have College that college exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing. By that, he means college is to prepare you for what you choose to pursue. If you skip out on the college experience, you’re missing a valuable part of your life. College teaches a great deal of responsibility. It’s an environment where you learn to network and learn new things each day.

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            Many people, like me, believe knowledge is everything! Most professions or occupations today require a certain level of degree and experience.  In the article Professor: Value of College Extends Beyond Paycheck by NPR Staff, Professor Mike Rose, speaks on the importance of getting an education. He is adamant that we are not learning just to make a living, but to assure that you will be able to pursue the things you desire most. I definitely support that statement. I have always been told that nothing will be handed to you, it is up to you to work hard for what you would like to accomplish.
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            Many people want to know, does a degree vary in importance based on your field of study? There are various statistics that give responses to this question; one being How Much is a College Degree Worth? Depends On Your Major. I believe all degrees are important. While pursuing a career, you learn many things. With most majors, students are allotted the opportunity to intern in their field to get an idea of the type of work that is to be done. Interning allows you to meet many people as well, such as business owners, school administrators, etc.

           All in all, I am adamant about the idea that college is very beneficial to everyone and their future endeavors. Knowledge is key! It is up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to complete short term goals to succeed long term.

1 comment:

  1. You were very informative and used a good bit of personal examples. :P Sounds like you are making the most of your college experience already!And yes, knowledge IS the KEY (Yay Freshman Forum!)
